Designed by Robert Schenk, OpenBook is a novelty font published by Ingrimayne Type . Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 OpenBook is a novelty font that has letters on pages of a book. It is caps only and monospaced. The letters on the upper-case keys are on the left-handed pages of an open book and the letters on the lower-case keys are the same letters but on the right-handed pages of an open book. One could alternate upper and lower case keys to get letters on complete books, but the Opentype feature of contextual alternatives (calt) does this automatically. Several previous typefaces from IngrimayneType used the calt feature to alternate shapes that fit together in an interlocking pattern, such as alternating concave and convex shapes. OpenBook uses the calt feature in a different way, to alternate two halves of a symmetrical sh...